As part of our daily work in the field of verifying information and news, and in light of the huge amount of fake news, we may sometimes make a mistake, and in finding out, we do not hesitate to correct any mistake we make, but rather we find it an opportunity to develop the mechanism of our work and our articles.

The Fatbaynoa platform has a clear correction policy, as it represents the ninth clause of the Transparency Policy Fatabynoa

The Fatbynoa platform is committed to amending any error it makes or publishes on its website or on its official accounts if it finds evidence proving that it made an error.

The Fatbynoa platform has added a paragraph in Arabic to the page Contact Us explaining the possibility of contacting us using all available methods to file an appeal against a published article or Request a review of a specific article, and the Fatbinwa platform will make sure to achieve this as quickly as possible. The goal of this is to facilitate reporting any error as quickly as possible to ensure its correction.

The Fatbynoa platform is keen to leave comments open on all of its posts on various means of communication as an additional means of clarifying any error in the published article itself, in order to facilitate all followers to correct errors and ensure the accuracy of the content presented in the reference articles.

We are keen to review the messages we receive and comments on publications, as well as e-mails, to ensure the accuracy of the content, and to review any correction suggested by any member through all of the aforementioned means. We also always welcome this audit, as it sees it as a platform to find a way to improve the reference articles submitted.

The Fatbynoa platform is keen to place a note on the amendments made to articles, which is what we did when we confirmed the accuracy of the amendment submitted to the Fatbynoa platform.

The Fatbynoa platform is keen to clarify the amendment even if it does not affect the evaluation of the article, while linguistic and spelling errors are not noted when modified by the Fatbynoa platform reviewers.

After the Fatbynoa platform cooperated with Facebook, Facebook sends the Fatbynoa platform’s e-mail to the owners of publications that were reported by the Fatbynoa platform, which is considered a new method available to the owners of publications to offer a correction to an article or submit a complaint regarding the evaluation and notification, through the following e-mail: